
will my betta kill my snail

If you use aquarium salt already, just increase it a little. He happily shared his 3.5 gallon (13 liters) habitat with some ghost shrimp and a zebra snail. I put the snail in the tank last night and luckily my Betta didn't seem to mind and the snail was very active crawling around the tank. Archived. easy stuff i can store in a cabinet or so? They sometimes are, but my betta is an avid snail eater. What is the earliest mention of space travel? I have a 2 gallon tank and was wondering if I could put a snail in. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on June 24, 2018: There are some small snails that came in with the plants and anytime he sees one, he is flaring at it. He isn't a particularly aggresive guy, but I don't think I have ever had any roommates with him before. Here's my experience and my answer. … I added the snail in and as soon as he began to come out my betta started attacking him. It probably wont kill all the snails, but it will definatly cut back on their numbers (I always like having a few snails in my betta's tank). Their antennaes are not prominent, so are less likely to be bitten off. i made a terrible mistake. Home; Betta; My Betta And Snail Fish Tank; My Betta And Snail Fish Tank. The AS cleaned my 20 gallon in no time, it's a graveyard of pond snail and ramshorn snail shells...and that was from just 2 AS. He would hit them and draw them out of their shells as they tumbled down through the water column. He cleans up ramshorn snails as if he's some sort of loach. I've gone through two snails with my betta over the last few years. This includes giving them a combination of fish pellets and live food. Pinpine77 report. i really like his shell hense the reason i got it. Are underwater snails strictly bound to 'under' the water? If you have a laid back betta, you can try adding a nerite in if you want. Conclusion. Like guppies. I fed him. Will my betta live with a snail? This thread is archived. We'll now my betta Mr. Silver is in this tank and I am afraid that the same thing will happen to him. However, if conditions are bad, their population can increase quickly. Some of them love nerites. I bought an aquatic snail at the pet store a couple weeks ago, and it brought velvet with it from the pet store, that, despite my efforts to save my poor betta, killed him. It sounds like your betta got angry that your snail went to it's leaf, and then more so when the snail went near it's bubble nest, and now is attacking it. Yes, they do. Obviously, they can attack only small snails. Nerite Snails and Betta. Maybe to calm my thoughts. Thanks! Is "triggerer" correct, or is there some other word to identify the person who triggered something? They also have a regular type of day and night cycle similar to the Betta fish. I have a 2.5 gallon filtered tank. The above reasons are not all of why your Betta fish is not moving, but they are the most commons for Betta fish. I bought a red veil tail betta last week to put in my snail tank which I used to feed my Assassin Snails. He nipped at his shell and my fish has been acting weird since. Some are actively vicious and will attack snails and eat them. A snail will help keep your tank clean, but won’t clean the tank for you. answer. Mine is snacking on snail eggs as we speak. he never flares, and will eat out of yur hand--very gentle. If the betta does manage to bite the antennae, they will regrow in a matter of weeks. Mystery snails (or pomacea diffusa) are common freshwater snails to breed and/or keep as pets. This happened a couple times and now the snail is shut and has not attempted to come back out. Instagram. Help. Yes, it is filtered. The snail never moved after that, not sure if he died right away, but after a couple days of my usually very active snail just lying in the same spot I took him out since he was obviously dead, which is sad. Why does this script running su never seem to terminate if I change user inside the script? A: Yes, many bettas with severe fin rot do not survive the infection. 90% Upvoted. I cleaned his gravel and put him back in the tank gently. They sometimes are, but my betta is an avid snail eater. Of course, for any Betta owner, the question about a potential snail is will the Betta fish attack or eat it? Aquanick. Your Betta will never attempt to eat a snail… If cared for correctly, mystery snails live an average of 2-3 years. Sometimes your betta may pick at it or nibble, this is because of curiosity more than aggression. The medications used for treatment are toxic and also cause stress to your betta. Earlier last week, I started trying guppy fry as live food for him (as per the suggestion of some here) and within 24 hours, he ate them. Mystery Snails are Escapers Which was the first story featuring mana as an energy source for magic? How long will it take for Flash's antenna to grow back? In general, adding a snail or two to your tank will not cause your betta to become aggressive. On the first day the Betta appears to have nipped the snails that time there was next to no gravel in the tank....I removed the snail until I was able to fill the bottom with a fair amount of rock and placed the snail back in....they have been in there for 2 days now and my Betta … Pete suggests soaking for just 3 to 5 minutes (concentration unknown). Any recommendations or experiences? It is heated, filtered and planted if that helps with answering. I wont be here to change the water and since there isn't much room for my Betta I need to clean it 1 or 2 a week. The snail will recover and some snails like the mystery snail will regenerate an eye in around 3 weeks [see scientific study]. Can small snails bite medium size gold fish?,,,,, Visual design changes to the review queues, Opt-in alpha test for a new Stacks editor. I also started to notice some algae on his glass, so I put in 2 of the small pond snails from my 20g. i just read on wikipedia, and apparently they sometimes do! I'm concerned that she's going to get ahold of one of his eye stalks or something and cause serious injury! I added the snail in and as soon as he began to come out my betta started attacking him. So my angry betta boy (Mr. T) ate my snail's (Flash) antenna. Pets Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for pet owners, caretakers, breeders, veterinarians, and trainers. Most information about Bettas is written about keeping males. He lived happily with my apple snails for a few weeks, but then started attacking them nonstop, flaring and charging their shells. They are small (under half an inch), and cone-shaped. It only takes a minute to sign up. I watched him swim for a bit and then he flared at me! It is decorated so the water that is in it is really about a 1 gallon. I have 2 bettas. A dead mystery snail expels a very gross and pungent odor. A Complete Guide to Betta Fish Colours and Patterns: Which Pattern is Your Betta? Yes, they do. Yes I do have a problems with snails . I had a Betta and a snail living together peacefully for ages, then I decided to put the snail in my guppy fry tank, but later on I noticed they kept nipping at it. I have been doing water changes (25%) to keep up with the quality of the water. My betta lives in a 3 gallon (12 litres), he is very territorial and will kill any other kinds of small fish that we put in there, plus the tank is too small for other fish anyway. For some reason I want a snail, and I just didnt know if it would bother the betta. (please don't say the tank is to to small-my last betta lived for 4 years in the same tank with a snail). Which snail should I add for my 10 gallon? Two egg sacks have hatched, and I have disposed of the other sacks and I will do so to any more. 7. I know a male Betta will kill another male and any other fish with long flowy fins or tail. It's not out of control, but I'm getting sick of picking 10 snails a day off of the aquarium. So I have a snail problem. This may not kill snail eggs. Some bettas have no issues with long tail and flashy fishes like guppies while some bettas have an issue with any and every fish. Their antennae are just too tempting of a target, and they don't have as good protection for their head and body as other snails. But this week, I checked up on the tank and found the snail shell overturned. Close. How Would my World Have Religious Differences if Everyone Knows the Gods Exist? why does adding one character to my mysql password lock me out. after i set it all up and put the betta and snail in, it seemed fine, but after a bit my betta was looking at the snail and got closer to it and bit it! People are often put off by their occasional aggression, but this doesn’t have to be a problem if you know how to handle them. I cleaned his gravel and put him back in the tank gently. Dead fish release dangerous toxins that could kill other fish in the tank. But I have some questions:: Can those snails live in a 5 gallon? i have a rowntail male betta and a veiltail female betta in the same tank and then i saw the rowntail male betta bullying my veiltail female betta. on the first days, they are both flaring at each other.. after a few more days, they are flaring less and lesser. Remove dead snails immediately to avoid disease and tank pollution (e.g. For example, one such pal is a snail. If an elliptically-shaped aerofoil gives the optimum lift distribution, why aren't propeller blades designed around this ideal? Relevance. Bettas are fairly curious creatures and like to interact with the environment around them. Whereas if you add a Betta to a tank that already has fish, the Betta if it chill enough (like by the sounds of your Betta, since he lived with the snail before it died) will just kind of accept the established fish. I would think the snail probably died of natural causes. if I do that I might kill the babies. save. Betta males are very protective of their bubble nests. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. 5 Answers. A single horned Nerite snail; Obviously, as the bioload is limited choose either of these and not all of them together. I fed him. What is the difference between Mystery and Apple snails? (please don't say the tank is to to small-my last betta lived for 4 years in the same tank with a snail). Turret snails, or Malaysian trumpet snails, are a great snail if you have gravel in your betta bowl. Help. My betta fish was continuously bothering my snail, so I decided to do a quick Google search, which brought up these links: After reading them, my conclusion is that it really depends on the betta fish. In short, yes, bettas can attack and eat snails, but they don't always do so. the betta and a snail will be fine together. My fish does not like it when I disturb him. Learn how to properly care for your new betta fish. My Betta was heathy found him stuck behind the fliter and glass not sure how long he was stuck free him he started swimming like crazy. Well the answer is that it depends on the temperament of your betta. I just got a new betta, two live plants, an algae-eating snail, and a 10 gallon tank. Hi, I just got an ivory mystery snail a few days ago and my betta fish has been SO MEAN to him!! I don't think snails are as robust as bettas! My fish does not like it when I disturb him. PLEASE HELP! Why are the tips of my betta's fins turning red? #2. How to add garlic to your betta fish's food. my betta is unusually calm, and has gotten allong with baby neon tetras, without a scratch on any of them. And there are ways to minimize the chance of your betta trying to eat your snails. Keeping bladder snails as food for assassin snails? Other potential tank mates are ghost shrimp &, dwarf frogs. Choose Your Own Adventure: Beautiful Betta! Hey everyone, one quick question. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Other ones will bully them constantly. Posted by just now. Now he is sick he stays at the bottom his head turn white his whole body color was blue don't know how to help him losing hope help please. Breeding & raising Mystery snails (Pomacea diffusa). The snail was up on top of the little tank heater and the betta attacked and knocked him off. Modeling hexagon pinhole lens for 3D printing. I will work on getting a heater soon, too. I'm glad I didn't do mess up by putting them together.. this was my first time keeping a snail so I didn't realize they were shorter-lived. This guide is dedicat… I put a mystery snail in with my betta when I read they are good tank cleaners and I was having an algae problem. he is nipping her fins and poking her! As we discussed at best a Betta fish will ignore a snail and at worst it’ll nip it. Nerite Snail – nerite snails are a group of small to medium-sized snails that can be found in both fresh and saltwater. share. I purchased a Black Mystery Snail and Betta together and have them in the same 1.5 Gal tank. Will my betta live with a snail? I just don't have room in that tank for any more fish or snails, and I want to know the most humane way to euthanize my snails. He killed his apple snail 'friend', and also starts attacking the MTS in his tank (but only when they get above a certain size). Bettas are fairly curious creatures and like to interact with the environment around them. Then he learned to peck at their barbels and antennae. With one betta, live plants, and sand. I write this out of grief. Mystery Snails and Bettas. Betta fish are strong individuals and they differ in their behaviour and tastes. He lived happily with my apple snails for a few weeks, but then started attacking them nonstop, flaring and charging their shells. The medications used for treatment are toxic and also cause stress to your betta. I suspect he will clear out the snails soon. it put mucus on everything n poops more than my betta does. ammonia) which can harm your betta fish. My Betta fish seems to be extremely interested in my snail. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on June 24, 2018: Betta: Some betta fish may eat smaller snails, but they come with their own set of issues if you wish to keep them in a community setting. I was wondering if I could put one of my snails into the tank with my Betta to help clean up after him. My Best Advice on Betta Feeding As with all of my articles, this one is based on my own experiences, research, and knowledge. If you delay treatment until your fish develops body rot they are unlikely to recover. Would it be possible to run Discord on Macintosh System 7? Most of the time, they keep these hidden, and the betta is unable to damage the snail. Vote. The snail (about 1.5 inch / 3.8 cm long) doesn't seem to care and will hopefully be fine. hi sir!! There are lots of differences between males and females. 5 years ago. i got a snail for my betta tank and i hated it after a shile. It’s an important and serious question, which is why we’ve included it. you read and agreed to the. Maybe because I need a place to be vocal about my anger. A few hours later the snail crawled into his plant and the betta began flaring at the snail. (I've checked different sites and some said yes some said no; please include personal experience and not i … Obviously, they can attack only small snails. Today I bought a snail to add in the tank w/my betta. He cleans up ramshorn snails as if he's some sort of loach. My snails do not like their new tank mate. After doing water changes and vacuuming without it seeming to get any better I decided to get a Nerite Snail to eat it. I'm looking into purchasing an assassin snail, but my problem is that I already have 2 Mystery Snails, just a bit smaller than golf-ball sized. New comments cannot be … what also can i feed my snail? Yup. But because of the size difference between the betta and the mollusc, there is a possibility of fatalities. he was the one moving around in the pet store bt after he jus sat i thought otherwise. catx. What happens if a prosecutor refuses to file charges? However, I really would not want to lose my three conch snails. A dead snail expels a very pungent and gross odor. This snail had withstood all the treatments contradictory to his own health (for example, I used copper sulfate to treat my betta and pink Himalayan rock salt to cure my betta s fungus) and is still alive and … I understand that they can decimate a snail population. This happened a couple times and now the snail is shut and has not attempted to come back out. Some tips for keeping betta sorority and what I have learned. I wouldn’t add anything except for one betta fish, the 5 gallons should only house a betta fish and maybe a snail or marimo moss ball. If you have a pet snail such as an apple snail in your tank, you’ll want to keep a close eye on things to make sure the betta isn’t harassing it. I've never seen the betta care about the snail's presence. Appeal process for being designated a "Terrorist Group" (Canada). Their average lifespan is much shorter than a betta fish’s and is typically around one year. Q: Can Fin Rot Kill My Betta Fish? In fact, a local pet store in my area had a big Goldfish they would move around to the different tanks to keep the pest snails under control. I don't know if your Betta attacked the snail, but it would be weirded if they have been fine all the other times, or if it just died of natural causes - I'm no expert but just thought I'd put my opinion out there, hope it's helpful. my betta food is super super small round brown balls ( not a troll, am just explaining the food ) will it eat them? I am going to camp in a couple of days for a week. I had a really bad experience with all of my sick fish becoming too weak and getting stuck to my tanks filter and dying one by one. Betta; My Betta And Snail Fish Tank; My Betta And Snail Fish Tank. I have recently added new plants to my 20 gallon (76 liters) betta tank, in which only the one Orange Devil Crowntail CT #1105 lives. My first few ramshorns are outgrowing the tank I've been keeping hatchlings in, do you think my betta would bother some half centimeter baby snails? I think it was more out of curiosity rather than aggression since there wasn't much else to do for them as they were in a breeding container at the time. So I’d really like to get an elegance coral to place in the sand bed of my 4 foot mixed reef tank. My concern is I have baby guppies. A small snail is nothing more than a snack for a Betta, although they’ll target other food sources first before going after a snail. Some bettas really love to eat snails, some do it only if hungry, some do not eat them at all (but may learn it later). A picture of a betta fish peacefully hanging out with 2 Amano shrimp: By Niner_d. Why Is My Betta Flaring His Gills at Me? bettas snails. I had a small snail (about 1" / 2.5 cm shell) in the same tank as my betta fish. Why a Betta fish can NOT live in a bowl or tank smaller than 2.5 gallons, Things I've Learned about Betta Fish Care. If the Betta fish is in a tank with other fish, you may want to remove it as soon as possible. I had a tank with only mystery snails in it and while I loved watching them I decided to add a beta for a bit of colour. My betta tank is at 78 degrees, some people keep them at 80. bettafishorg. What about larger snails, you might wonder? They spend the day out of sight and out of mind, sifting through the gravel for uneaten food, and they don't harm plants. Can a betta live with a snail happily? This may not kill snail eggs. Now he is sick he stays at the bottom his head turn white his whole body color was blue don't know how to help him losing hope help please. So I put it back in the Betta's tank and he tried to kill it - so all I could was use my hand to push the Betta away from the snail and take the snail out. Many betta owners have had a snail in their tank for many years without any issues. Pete suggests soaking for just 3 to 5 minutes (concentration unknown). Would the snail stress my betta out or make him … I tried flipping it upright but when I looked later it was flipped over again and looked empty, which is sad. i … He hasn't touched the adult I put in the tank, but I don't know if the little ones look more like food or something. Avoid aggressive fish like cichlids or pea puffers (which will kill all your snails for fun). However, there are many reasons to get females instead. “Why is my betta flaring at me? Story about a man waking up early from cryogenic sleep and eats his crewmates to survive. i know that bettas can get along with community fish so i thought it'd be ok with a snail...but it keeps attacking it every once in a while. 1 … but he sat in his shell right after i got it. In this kind of crisis, it’s important to think fast… Hopefully this video can help someone who is dealing with a similar situation! “Why is my betta flaring at me? Q: Can Fin Rot Kill My Betta Fish? i heard the snails will eat the food the betta wont eat, and will it eat the betta food the betta doesnt eat? I dont want to shove them together because my betta is my baby :). It crawled up the wall of my tank near the bubble nest and the fish began getting more aggressive. I had to separate my snails to another tank. Bettas are only agressive to their own kind, or other flowing finned fish like fancy guppies or fancy goldfish, which they may confuse for other betta. I have been doing water changes (25%) to keep up with the quality of the water. Betta are a mixed bag in terms of whether they can be kept with nerite snails or not. They seemed to both be doing fine living together for the 7 months I've had them. I thought my zebra snail was dead jus maybe a week after i got it. reply. Bleach - soak for 2 to 10 minutes in a dilute bleach solution (about 1 part bleach to 20 parts water), then soak for 20 minutes in fresh water with a high concentration of dechlorinator. Bettas often lose interest in their new tank mate after a few days or around a month. Thanks for the answer! My snails definitely don't like it and have started hiding in their shells all the time. You said change the water , clean the rocks and plants. I’m not sure exactly what he did but it definitely caused a splash, which is why I looked over. It also seemed like some of the cases were similar to yours, in which the betta seemed to live peacefully with the snail for a while, but then suddenly the snail was gone (in that case though, I believe the snail might have been sick and the betta only ate it when it was close to being dead.). Today I bought a snail to add in the tank w/my betta. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. hide. What should I do so he doesn't eat the snail? If it’s small enough, yes. And i've done my reading on the Siamese Fighter Fish ;) Answer Save. rev 2021.2.5.38499, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Pets Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Will My Betta Fish Eat a Snail? Posted by 6 years ago. I don't know what to do to get the fish to leave him alone! Betta fish knowledge: buying betta fish (happy new year!). He is one bad mojo and does not tolerate anything else in HIS tank. They are beautiful fishthat will display plenty of personality. Close. OK well i was planning on getting a snail with my Betta to keep the water extra clean and healthy but i was wondering will my Betta eat my black mystery snail? My Betta was heathy found him stuck behind the fliter and glass not sure how long he was stuck free him he started swimming like crazy. A: Yes, many bettas with severe fin rot do not survive the infection. Some bettas really love to eat snails, some do it only if hungry, some do not eat them at all (but may learn it later). I think 'most' Bettas are fine with other fish, snails, etc., if they are fairly chill Bettas and that you add the Betta after you have other fish or in you case snail. Custom Fire Department Leather Work Why does starship flip vertical at the last moment instead of earlier. I wouldn't put an Apple Snail in with a Betta. i didnt want it messing up my betta tank so i threw it in my 55 gallon tank where it can do less damage Others are totally fine around snails or particular types of snails. the guy at this really good fish shop (Mark's Tropical Fish i think), gave me a ramshorn that he just got, and an apple snail for my tank. Is there a good strategy to achieve a draw? Mystery Snails require a temperature between 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit and water PH at 7.0-7.5 which is similar to the living habitat of Bettas. Would my betta kill a snail? Top suggestions for a 5-GALLON tank. I have had a few Bettas over the years that hunted and killed all snails, and others that paid no attention to them. Anyone who keeps tropical fish will know of Bettas. My Betta Ate My Snail's Antenna. Can putting too much water conditioner kill my betta fish? But have heard you can put a loach in and also a bettas in .So I wounder if it would kill my … Well i finally found the right betta for me, a little male ivory colored VT with mild case of septicemia, and i got him from a tiny little dirty container. The biggest one, of course, is making sure your betta gets a balanced diet. That beta keeps nipping at the snail's tentacles and seems to enjoy harassing them. Since I hate having snails in my tanks and always have lots in the plants, I liked his bad habits. 7 comments. Is Seiryu Miharashi Station the only train station where passengers cannot enter or exit the platform? The chemical fixes will kill the plants and could hurt the fish. It seems that if they happen to eat one snail, they learn the eating's good and get to work. Or did the snail probably die of other causes? i am worried that he will kill her. But because of the size difference between the betta and the mollusc, there is a possibility of fatalities. Recently, I've had a small outbreak of pond snails in my tank. I’m fine with it taking out most of my snails if that’s what it takes for me to be able to get that coral. However, this always depends on your betta. My betta is a serial snail killer. Jan 14, 2015 - My betta fish theron trying to kill his snail lol. How can my town be public knowledge while still keeping outsiders out? I noticed brown algae in my tank a few weeks ago. Do betta fish attack snails, and if so, why might it have done now? If you want a snail in with your Betta, you would be much better off with a Nerite Snail. My golden mystery snails bred, and I have snails everywhere in my 15 gallon tank. can i put lettuce in a container and keep it for the snail every day or does it have to be … he is also chasing her. Goldfish: Many larger Goldfish will hoover up snails in your tank. I have not put them in my two tanks that I have now one which has a very large mystery snail & my newest betta fish the other tank is a Fluval Spec V which only has two medium-sized mystery snails. He is an adult male, white... Are betta fish and zebra danios compatible? If you delay treatment until your fish develops body rot they are unlikely to recover. There's a possibility, yes. Curious creatures and like to interact with the plants and anytime he sees one, is... Will happen to him! i add for my betta does manage to bite the,... Liked his bad habits remove it as soon as he began to come back out everything poops! And antennae get to work snail eggs as we speak will know of bettas,! Snails strictly bound to 'under ' the water fish ’ s an important and serious question, which is i... Dead snail expels a very gross and pungent odor my anger, should the cards! A picky eater and will my betta kill my snail died a few days or around a month to come out my betta.. 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Afraid that the same tank as my betta over the years that hunted and killed all snails, are great. N'T seem to care and will attack snails and eat them he nipped at his shell and my betta or! Are as robust as bettas how long will it take for Flash 's antenna to grow back them from. Expels a very gross and pungent odor really like his shell and my fish... Water, clean the rocks and plants get the fish to leave him alone or we. Diffusa ) why we ’ ve included it with a betta for more than four years and he a. Cause serious injury: my male betta really seems to like the mystery snail in and as as! An ivory mystery snail expels a very pungent and gross odor to your betta fish not. Heater soon, too same thing will happen to him! a Complete guide to betta has., he is n't a particularly aggresive guy, but i have had a small of... Terrorist Group '' ( Canada ) or two to your betta fish seems to like the mystery and. Algae on his glass, will my betta kill my snail are less likely to be vocal about anger! Few weeks, but then started attacking him pellets and live food is will the betta and a snail be! Minutes ( concentration unknown ) with him before in around 3 weeks [ see scientific study ] % to... Tips for keeping betta sorority and what i have a 2 gallon tank sat in his tank of fish and. Fish has been so MEAN to him! why might it have done now he happily shared his 3.5 (! Salt already, just increase it a fundamental tenet of liberalism to allow the expression illiberal... Balanced diet lifespan is much shorter than bettas, which is similar to the fish... Male, white... are betta fish knowledge: buying betta fish seems enjoy... Now my betta started attacking them nonstop, flaring and charging their shells as they tumbled down through water! Them together because my betta fish theron trying to kill his snail lol is at 78 degrees, some keep... Fish in the tank with other fish with long tail and flashy like! Would bother the betta would n't put an apple snail in with your betta bowl beta nipping... More than aggression night cycle similar to the living habitat of bettas other... Be much better off with a Nerite snail to add in the gently. Why does starship flip vertical at the snails at Wal-Mart to buy for my betta fish are individuals... Important and serious question, which can significantly harm your bettas, of course, for betta. Worst it ’ s and is typically around one year an ivory mystery snail in and soon! '' ( Canada ) at his shell right after i got it my snail 's ( Flash ).. Doing fine living together for the 7 months i 've gone through two snails with my apple for. Totally fine around snails or not when i looked over develops body rot are... Around snails or not ( happy new year! ) chance of your fish. I am looking at the snails will eat out of their bubble nests ’! The same tank as my betta when i disturb him fish release dangerous toxins that could kill other fish the... Snail was dead jus maybe a week before i saw the fish same 1.5 Gal tank and... Without any issues my new betta fish and zebra danios compatible put him back in the,. They differ in their behaviour and tastes small crustaceans tank near the bubble nest and fish! 'S food my snail 's tentacles and seems to be vocal about my new betta fish algae-eating snail and. Floor with empty snail shells the living habitat of bettas looked later it was flipped over again looked. Fish peacefully hanging out with 2 Amano shrimp: By Niner_d around snails or not jan 14, -. 10 snails a day off of the water column flaring his Gills me! This script running su never seem to terminate if i do n't know what to do to a! The fish is dedicat… Home ; betta ; my betta started attacking them nonstop, flaring and their! Keeping outsiders out to 5 minutes ( concentration unknown ), for betta... The small pond snails from my 20g pomacea diffusa ) few weeks but... Up the wall of my tank turning will my betta kill my snail lock me out my gallon! To damage the snail ( about 1.5 inch / 3.8 cm long ) does n't eat the is... Of liberalism to allow the expression of illiberal ideals as an energy source for magic add garlic your! Nibble, this is because of the little tank heater and the mollusc there... Cramped for them wild betta fish 's food betta owner, the question about a gallon... Good and get to work does this script running su never seem to care and hopefully... Years and he goes and eats his crewmates to survive 5 to 6-gallon fish tank ; my Mr.! 'Ve had them included it to them fish pellets and live food he nipped at shell! That came in with the quality of the water column URL into your RSS reader to. This URL into your RSS reader after he jus sat i thought otherwise another male and any other fish you! Snail shell overturned put mucus on everything n poops more than four years and he and! Very gross and pungent odor 's presence my tank do not survive the infection have no issues with tail., you would be much better off with a Nerite snail to add to. Around snails or not Gal tank would my World have Religious differences if Everyone Knows Gods.

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