how does god speak to us
Thanks Stephen for sharing what gives you daily. To be clear, I’m not saying that certain people have divine authority to speak into our lives. I hope this brought some clarity to you, so you can see a few different reasons why God wants to speak to us. How? To some, it may suggest, “I need answers for my life, or this particular crisis.” Another may say, “I’ve asked God for _________, but He never answers me.". God can speak through circumstances. I’m glad it was helpful! God does still speak to us, despite us living in the modern century. God uses frail, earthen vessels like us to speak God’s word to each other. It declares that there is a God who is eternally powerful and divine in nature. He speaks so many ways, including through miracles. Several different ones talked about how God had led them in different ways. So visual learners typically hear through dreams and visions, auditory types through words and those who are sensory-oriented through their emotions. Even in the biblically recorded instances of God speaking, it is not always clear whether it was an audible voice … When we behold Jesus, we are beholding God himself. God uses frail, earthen vessels like us to speak God’s word to each other. Paul heard His voice on the way to Damascus. And the way God works is one of those questions. If you grew up in a conservative church with a strong emphasis on Bible preaching, you probably thought first of the Bible. Through the good, encouraging, upbuilding words of others. Reply. If you want to hear the voice of God, ask the Holy Spirit to work in you. And God can do that. Our hearts become hallowed before Him as we seek Him daily in His Word. Even though it seems obvious, we can’t overlook the fact that the Word of God is t… I think this is why Paul said, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear (Ephesians 4:29).”. Why do you suppose ten people can “hear” a sermon, but each person will walk away with a different truth that applies to him? Some may call it “God’s whispers,” while others say, “God’s still, small voice.” We are made in the image of God, and when we confess Jesus and follow Him as our Lord and Savior, His Spirit comes to live in us (John 14:17, 1 Corinthians 3:16). I pray that I can hear Gods voice everyday and every time I pray or read the bible, stay bless, Ultimate Guide: 50 BEST Christian Books Every Christian Should Read, The BEST Study Bible In 2021 (Ultimate Guide), The Best Books On Prayer Every Christian Should Read, How To Pray: An In-Depth Guide To Meeting With God, 19 PROFOUND Reasons We Should Give Thanks To The Lord, 20 Rock Solid Reasons You Can Trust God Today, 23 POWERFUL Ways To Humble Yourself And Be Blessed, 30 LIFE GIVING Bible Verses For Depression, 5 Staggering Ways My Identity In Christ Changes Everything, BANISH Fear: 13 Bible Verses About Fear To Fill You With Peace, Can You Lose Your Salvation? How does God speak to us today? God “told” me about that in His Word, especially in proverbs. When? He told Noah to build an ark. My pulse, along with my blood pressure, dropped dangerously low. The first way God speaks to us is through his word, you can’t ignore the written word and expect to hear something else. Then a messenger comes, shows a film about Jesus’ death and resurrection, and the one who has dreamed recognizes the man in his dream: It’s Jesus, the Son of God! If you want to hear the voice of God, simply go outside. Through the Word of God (2 Tim 3:16, Psalm 119:11, 105) : This is the most clear and effective way of God’s communication with His people. You can probably recall several incidents in the Old Testament in which God spoke directly to an individual or He appeared to someone in a dream or vision. Yes, the fact that God speaks to us fills me with amazing joy as well! The DEFINITIVE Answer From Scripture, His Mercies Are NEW Every Morning (and here’s how to see them), Prayer For Anxiety: 5 Ways To Pray When Life Is Overwhelming, Prayer For Favor: Asking For and RECEIVING God's Richest Blessings, Spiritual Disciplines: Ultimate Guide (2019), The Power of Prayer: Sacred, Overwhelming, Staggering, The SURPRISE Meaning Of Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged (2019 Edition), The SURPRISE Way To Have Peace That Passes All Understanding, Ultimate Guide: The 50 Best Books Every Christian Should Read. . The Holy Spirit speaks to us in a number of wonderfully specific ways. But does God still speak to us today? So glad it was helpful! This article is a real life situation it amazing when one is previllage to experiences outlined means through which God speaks to us. I once heard someone teach about “minding the checks” in your spirit. The experience is such that you get carried away with joy, joy that when you even share the people you share with hardly understand the depth of your joy. In other countries where Christianity is taboo, God is also revealing Himself repeatedly through dreams. If you want to know God and hear his voice, read the gospels. Joel Osteen First, God has revealed Himself through the created world: "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. In other words, God took what was already written in the Bible and used those words to speak to John Piper. These words were not written for a few, select individuals who could jump through the right spiritual hoops (“For God so loved the world…”). He did so in times past in varying degrees and by different methods. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. God can communicate through Scripture, prayer, or "other believers, whom God uses to encourage us and help us understand His will," Graham adds. Each way I’ve shared that God may speak to us today meshes into the other. I'm a husband, dad, writer. Father, thank You for giving us the “one anothers” in our lives who encourage us and build us up. Prayer. Sometimes God uses our circumstances to test our faith. Here's How We Know, 6 Ways Christians Can Find Hope and Courage in Seasons of Strife, 4 Reasons Why Christians Should Still Invest in Local Churches, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright © 2021, Only a limited portion of his beauty and glory could be seen. etc. If you grew up in a Charismatic church that emphasized that ongoing work of the Holy Spirit, you may think about things like prophecies. I have no taped recordings to tell you what God sounds like. Have you ever felt prompted to pray for something out of the blue? I was looking more for a list of sorts with OT and or NT references, i.e; GOD spoke 1) directly to: Adam, Noah, Moses Read the Bible. From this particular verse it becomes very clear that God does not speak to us today in the same way he did in times past. God tailors his message to how we best receive it. He is a window into heaven, of sorts, allowing us to get a clear, unobstructed view of God himself. God “spoke” clearly. The others? We’re grateful. God speaks to us through our lives. this helps a lot sometimes i struggle with separating the true word from God from my own thoughts and desires. Have you ever had your breath stolen by a pink-hued sunrise? God spoke about that as well. That means God is whispering, and sometimes shouting, all through His Word, giving us instructions and principles for life. I have been greatly encouraged by this article concerning how God speaks to us. How does God speak to us? Yes, it’s easy to look for God in the mystical things when in reality he’s speaking to us all the time! Often through a combination of fasting and prayer, our minds become clearer and our hearts are more sensitive to God. Read on. But what does the Bible say regarding God speaking to us today? And they ignored other red flags as well. It’s ”His-story”–written with love as God’s guide for life, “so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”. No, we serve a God who is constantly active, constantly speaking, constantly moving in our lives. I hear His voice through reading this. For several minutes my world looked like a spinning photo negative. Quite an identity change. Bottom line is that if we are His children, God loves us unconditionally and will spare no expense to show us. In other words, the Holy Spirit actually dwells within us, just as he dwelled in the temple in the Old Testament. Perhaps one of the ways I can sense God’s presence the most and “hear” His voice the best is when I am praising Him through music. And I love how God is always faithful to draw us back to him. But He will usually confirm it in other ways. If nothing else, life–and loved ones–suddenly became much more precious to me. This is why Jesus said to Philip in John 14:9: Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? . This happened to us before my husband and I married. In his book Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby puts it this way: Anything of spiritual significance that happens in your life will be a result of God’s activity in you. Ask him to help you be more sensitive to his subtle promptings. He’s God. Regardless of the way God chooses to reveal Himself or “speak” to us today, remember one truth. 4) Inspiration to . Lloyd Jones said: Always respond to every impulse to pray. He was literally God in the flesh, a tangible, touchable, utterly glorious revelation of God’s character. Then one day in the shower or on a walk, a thought comes–that gentle “whisper” that could only come from Him, accompanied by His peace. As we behold the complexity of a snowflake or the power of an exploding volcano, God himself is speaking to us. You could say that the Holy Spirit causes us to come alive to God’s word every time we read it. Scary, to say the least. Through that accident, my husband felt God had a special purpose for his life. Someone in Africa, in Germany, in China, and in Alabama can “hear” Jesus’ voice by reading the same Bible. God speaking to you audibly can be dangerous. By studying the heavens, we understand more of God’s greatness. What Does It Mean To Fear God? We hear his very words. The church I grew up in evolved over the years, morphing from a primarily charismatic church to being primarily Reformed. Does God speak to all of us the same way? 2. It’s when Scripture comes alive to us–because it is truly “God-breathed.”. Thank you for the encouraging words they made me realise realise that I have neglected to read my bible.It encouraged me to pray constantly. Let's take a look at eight specific ways God speaks to us today. Have you ever felt the small (or large) push toward obeying God’s word? . In some cases, the speaker never spoke what the people say they “heard.” Many times, that may be the result of God’s Spirit speaking a personal “Rhema,” a living, breathing word of truth to our spirits. And I’ve “heard” God talking to me through my own children as their pure and honest words cut clear to my heart and spirit, reminding me of God’s true priorities. All these revelations of God were limited and incomplete, only giving glimpses of God’s staggering glory. Yes, He does so in a variety of ways. Through the intricate details and magnificent beauty of all that God has made, we can “hear” His voice. He will never contradict His Word, and the message He gives will always bring glory to God. God is a Holy God, and often uses circumstances to get our attention. Because of that, God doesn’t “speak” the same way to all of us. Our part? Even the good ones need developing and rewriting, but that’s a different subject. God is bigger than that. Hubby and I stood outside the other night to watch the eclipse of the blood moon. When we’re tempted, that same Spirit warns and nudges us to do the right thing. He speaks through his word. But I want to make it personal and learn the lesson first. How does God speak to us? God is waiting to speak to you. We don’t serve a passive God who is far off an uninvolved in our lives. Did he “hear” God’s literal “Yes?” No, but through much prayer, seeking God’s Word, and talking to others, he felt God’s confirmation. God spoke directly to Abraham. If so, how? 1. God has spoken to humanity. “Much dreaming . As a writer, I depend on God’s Spirit to give me direction. God may use a friend, a teacher, a parent, or a preacher to convey His message of truth to us. Psalm 19:1-2 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. The article is great it also lets me understand more the ways God speaks to me. Psalm 119:24 says, “Your testimonies are my delight; they are my counselors.” The testimonies of God (aka the Bible) counsel us, lead us, and guide us in the ways of God. We DO have to discern the voices we hear but God does speak to us audibly today. Nothing showed up. Not always. I’m willing to bet that your answer is largely shaped by your background. The doctor pronounced me healthy and sent me home, after encouraging me to get a follow-up–which I did. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. I do think “hearing God speak” may mean different things to different people. You can look at the sun and see it consistently dividing light from darkness, day in, day out, through the seasons. Times when I was afraid? Here are FIVE glorious ways, drawn directly from Scripture. So glad the article was helpful Ruth! I was overwhelmed at the beauty of this event and turned to my husband and said, “isn’t God awesome!” He does speak to us through Creation! Comparing us to sheep and He as the Shepherd, Jesus says inJohn 10:27, NKJV: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” Why? God treats each of us as unique children. How does God's Word speak to us? God often speaks to us through His Spirit, through prayer. Through Jesus. I don’t know if God was speaking to me about something special, but the first thing I did was tell Him I was listening! I really need God to speak to me. Through Moses, God used circumstances (plagues) to convince Egypt’s leader to release God’s people from slavery. The first and main thing is to say that God really has spoken, and this word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). He released His power, and Jehoshaphat’s army defeated their enemies! All rights reserved. God’s word, more than anything else, should inform our answer. The good ideas I credit to God, because after all, He is the source of every good and perfect gift. It would seem that people usually hear God in ways that are related to their personality. That’s God speaking to you through his creation. “The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere” (James 3:17, NIV). 2) through angels to Mary, Samson’s parents 3) Dreams to .. . Votes: 1. The Pastor had shared about listening to God and obeying the Lord's voice. The Bible warns about adding anything to the already written, God-breathed Word of God, or accepting any other messenger who claims to be superior to Jesus (Revelation 22:18-19;2 Corinthians 11:4). There are times when ideas pop into my mind totally unexpectedly–and sometimes directly after a plea for help from God. God Speaks Through The Bible (His Word) The Bible is one of God’s effective methods of communication. God speaks to everyone, but we need to learn how to listen to Him! He … Scripture makes it clear that each of us is a temple of the Holy Spirit. All these things may not sound to you like ways of ”hearing God’s voice,” but it’s possible to reduce God to our own image if we insist on Him acting or reacting a certain way. Jesus reveals the beautiful, breathtaking character of God in stunning clarity. It is not a dead word. Nature is one avenue of God’s voice. Savor his divine attributes. What a cool experience! And He’s the one who will always lovingly lead them on the right path–again and again. Yes, God speaks to us through His Word. So why does God speak to us in such a variety of ways? Fortunately for us, all that information is available in the Bible.The Book goes into a lot of detail about how you can expect God to react, what kinds of expectations he has for us… Take a meandering hike through the country and behold the glory of God. Are these the only ways God speaks today? I am truly blessed to be able to read this article. Never mind, I am making my own. This message really helped me thank you….. Of course not! 8:14-16). Ezra 9:11 - which You have commanded by Your servants the prophets, saying, ‘The land which you are entering to possess is an unclean land with the uncleanness of the peoples of the lands, with their abominations which have filled it from end to end and with their impurity. You just need to be listening. Why then, can’t I hear God speak to me audibly, someone might ask? How does God speak to us? God bless you tremendously for this article. that the words has a divine origin. I’m glad this post was helpful Emmanuel! Jack Wellman February 8, 2020 at 11:04 am. I’m glad it was encouraging Dinah! And I also need to be encouraged to read my Bible and pray consistently! It can be the Enemy who appears as an angel of life. Every word in the Bible is God’s word to us. But I have heard God “speak” through the above ways–and in a few more. We may not know how to pray, but God’s Word tells us His spirit makes intercession for us (Romans 8:26-27). God never violates His own Word or principles. We … Isn’t it an amazing thing that the living God wants to speak to you? They tell us that there is a creator, that he is gloriously creative, and that he is overwhelmingly powerful. Will God confirm or affirm that truth in us? We all know the importance of prayer in our spiritual growth. It’s the gospel: the good news of Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:21 tells us that the Bible’s words ultimately came from God himself, even though he makes use of human authors. He’s a creative God. Where? His Word: In order to actually "hear" from God, we have to know some things about God's character.We have to develop an understanding of who God is and the way he does things. Someone once told me they just knew God was telling them it was okay to buy a brand-new pickup. Have you ever looked up at a starry night sky and been so stunned that you felt compelled to praise God? 1. In 2 Chronicles 20, King Jehoshaphat faced a huge army of enemies who could have easily destroyed His people, but he did a strange thing. God speaks to His people through His word which was written by the … I love the phrase, “Breathed out by God.” It’s such a vivid picture of how God speaks to us through his word. Isn’t that a glorious thing? I always need to be reminded of the amazing truth that God speaks to me. Savor the Savior. But does God still speak to us today? He once spoke through a donkey (Numbers 22:28). You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook . Through the glory of his creation. God is his word, as he brings scriptures to your … I can’t answer questions that the Bible does not make clear. Let us look at what the Bible says about the ways in which God speaks to His people. Does that happen immediately? Rather, I’m saying that as we fellowship with other believers, God often uses their words to give unique grace to us. We were created in the image of God, and everything testifies to us, encouraging us to walk in that image, the way we were created to be. As we read God’s word, the Spirit speaks to us, convicting us, encouraging us, and strengthening us. Thank You! Behold my splendor! When people ask about finding the will of God for their lives, I point them to the Scriptures. That’s the Holy Spirit at work. I’m so glad it was encouraging to you. None of us are cookie-cutter Christians. There is a real sense in which God speaks to us through his creation. The foregoing text states several basic truths. Marriage difficulties? God speaks to people today through His Word, which will not return void (Isaiah 55:11; 2 Timothy 3:16-17). Because the sheep know who He is. “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by His Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe” Hebrews 1:1-2, NIV). Also, I’ve listed a New book to read, “Experiencing God”, dbl thnxs. I also believe that the Spirit speaks to us in more subjective ways. If you want to hear God’s voice, spend time hanging out with other Christians. How does God speak to us today? Sometimes while praying, God’s Spirit will remind us of a Scripture or a truth in His Word that we can directly apply to the situation. The words and the notes bring a soothing comfort, excitement, and passion that open my ears and heart and lift my spirits immediately. 2 Tim 3:16-17 tells us that the Bible is ‘God-breathed’ i.e. Worship me, for I am worthy.”. Hello Susan. No, we are all unique. But as I read this message just the same morning, I’m encouraged beyond my worries. I would like to offer the book, “Know Secrets” by Paul Arthur Webb, which says; ‘The truth is, we have a light to walk by. By observing the ant’s strength to store up food all summer long, we learn about wisdom and industriousness. Today, if you want to hear God audibly speak, open the Word … Words from a speaker or Christian author have both challenged me and convicted me at times. God speaks so loudly through his creation! Scripture is God speaking to us, revealing himself to us, leading us in his ways. “God so loved the world”, says the Gospel, and so he speaks to us in the language of this love. The most obvious way God speaks to us is through His holy Word, the Bible. But Pharaoh wouldn’t listen. I would make an absolute law of this – always obey such an impulse. Common Ways God Talks to Us . I created The Blazing Center and have written some books which people seem to like. Their words may come as a warning, a blessing, or as a prophetic truth about our lives.Whether we choose to hear it or ignore it, depends on us. Isn’t that absolutely incredible? 2 Timothy 3:16 says that all Scripture is “God-breathed.” His Word sometimes gives us a warning, a word of encouragement, or a lesson for life. To guide us and inspire us t always know how to interpret the that! And pie and they discussed the message he gives will always bring glory to God other... My world looked like a spinning photo negative that from now on God will able... Seem to like us against placing our faith in the Bible and used those words to speak to?... 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