what country has the most stds per capita
#2 is Canada. Women are most affected by the epidemic with more than 31% reporting an HIV . Others are popular regionally, but you might be surprised by some of the most visited countries in the world in terms of the number of visitors per local inhabitant. The STD with the highest incidence per European country was determined by averaging all available STD rates from 2000 to 2013 per country. The study looks into which countries had the highest number of cars per 1,000 people based on population figures. Note that China far surpasses other nations in the upper-middle-income group ranking, reaching 14th spot overall in 2020. The country has the highest share of electric cars per capita, with 55 of them for every 1,000 people. Surprisingly, this more than doubles that of renowned ecommerce giant, China. Sixty-two countries have per capita income higher than the global average. Norway is Tesla's top per capita market - The Norwegian ... Q: Which Country has the Most Pet Dogs.? Some key relief measures have included postponing Social Security contributions for private sector . What country has the most bars per capita? - Answers STD Rates by State - 2021 World Population by Country Finland continues to rank among the countries with the most boats per capita. To put that number in context, there's one US McDonald's for every 23,130 people. Hh1718/Wikimedia. In addition to a long literary history that stretches back centuries and is rich with long sagas, Iceland still maintains a . Israel has the highest per-capita military in Middle East, with 76.3 military personnel per 1000 in population. On a per capita basis, San Francisco has over 40,000 accounts per million people. Belgium, another European country, makes the top 10 list of countries based on $36,044 in disposable income per capita. Interestingly, the Encyclopaedia Metallum lists Svalbard, an archipelago that makes up the northern part of Norway as its own country. Norway is the world's largest per-capita market for electric vehicles. The table below lists countries in the world ranked by GDP at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) per capita, along with the Nominal GDP per capita. According to Tesla, Norway is the country where luxury Tesla has become the budget option. Promiscuity Index Score: 37.64. If you hate cannabis, you should consider a move to Southeast Asia. This video will give you a 'Straight To the point' information / answer / solution of : Which cou. Minnesota. Most courses per capita (decending order): Scotland, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, Canada, Wales, United States, Sweden, and England. The United States has 3 times more serial killers per capita than any other country in the world and has produced 67.58% of known serial killers. Prisoners in the United States The United States is not only the country. This means that San Francisco has over 10x as many developers per capita as the top-ranked country in the world (Iceland). Japan. The West African nation of Mauritania ranks highest on the prevalence of modern slavery. Germany — 9.7 per capita. China — 7.72 per capita. United States — 15.74 per capita. Mauritania. Covering just 2,586 km², you wouldn't imagine Luxembourg has much in the way of parking space. The more intriguing statistics came to light when we cross-referenced these figures with the average salary of each country in the study. Tweet. With only one band but also only 1,970 residents, it ranks as the second densest listing. There are top 10 countries with most bicycles per capita: 10. 10. 10. China. It has about 139 km of roads per 1,000 people. Canada — 16.85 per capita. Europe consumes the most alcohol per capita, particularly in Central and Eastern European countries. The startling fact is,. 1489.2. Other sexually transmitted diseases, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis, do not yet have a vaccine. Well, the latest stats suggest otherwise. Switzerland Has The Most Gold Per Capita, with Nearly Four Ounces Per Person. I think it would have to be the Republic of Ireland, there's one bar per 300 person, so approx 15,000 in the whole country. For Middle East, the country with the second-highest defence budget is Israel, which allocates around US$20,465M (5.30% of its GDP) in defence spending. El Salvador, Turkmenistan, Thailand, and Palau rounded out the top five countries with the highest rate of incarceration. But neither of them are the top countries with the most beer producers per capita. Singapore appears to rank #1 for the lowest level of weed use per capita. STDs per 100,000 people: 668.50. In Belgium 8% of all trips are made by bike. Tesla became the most popular carmaker overall in Norway at the end of 2017. Columbia has one of the highest rates of STDs of any city in the United States. 9. 42Florida. Recently web monitoring firm Semiocast published a list of the top 20 countries in number of Twitter accounts. Berkeley, California has the most coffee shops per capita, according to the latest analysis done by the website ApartmentGuide. India has the maximum numbers of slaves at 18.40 million, compared to 3.4 million in China and 2.1 million in Pakistan. It is this region that has the world's toughest anti-marijuana laws. What country has the highest chlamydia rate? A widely cited study on impervious surface area per country was published in 2007 in the journal Sensors.The study defined impervious surface area (ISA) as including such things as "roads, parking lots, buildings, driveways, sidewalks and other manmade surfaces"—anything water will run off of instead of soaking in. DEFINITION: Agricultural machinery refers to the number of wheel and crawler tractors (excluding garden tractors) in use in agriculture at the end of the calendar year specified or during the first quarter of the following year. Denmark had the highest notification rate of chlamydia in 2018 with 578 cases per 100,000 population, followed by Iceland with a notification rate of approximately 527. For over 15 years, Denmark has been the OECD country that has produced the most kWh/per capita, an amount which has grown by 192%. Belgium had a population of 11.4 million and a GDP of $597 billion in 2018. Saudi Arabia — 19.39 per capita. Things have changed a lot in the last few decades, too. " Which country has the most electric vehicles per capita?. Slovenia has the most agricultural tractors with between 55 and 60 per 1000 people (depending on source.) Fact: 60 percent of local cyclists in Shanghai (most populous city in China) pedal to work every day. 9. It's not a country though, but a British dependency. Answer: Iceland. In absolute numbers, South Africa (7.2 million), followed by Mozambique (2.2 million), India (2.1 million) and Nigeria (1.8 million) had the highest HIV/AIDS number of cases by the end of 2019. Belgium. Total STDs Per 100,0000. GDP per Capita. Compare that to the global market, where electric cars make up less than 5% of total sales. And the number one supercar country in the world, by far, is… Monaco, with 3,051 per 1,000, which suggests that every Monegasque has . Motorboats are still the most common type of watercraft, but personal watercraft ('jet skis') are also becoming increasingly popular. Total COVID-19 tests per 1,000 people. Which Countries Have the Most Wealth Per Capita? It is a southeastern country having more than 7,364,570 populations in accordance to 2011 estimates. Country. It turns out we have data on that question. Based on a comparison of coronavirus deaths in 206 countries relative to their population, Peru had the most losses to COVID-19 up until December 13, 2021 . Fayetteville, NC [Ft. Bragg] 4826. This tiny country's sizeable car ownership figures may have something to do with its mind-boggling per-capita wealth. Countries That Have Produced The Most Serial Killers Serial killers can be hard to identify, and many may escape being caught. Forty-three have above $20,000, and 65 have above $10,000 on an exchange rate basis. STDs per 100,000 people: 264.70 Ashley Madison users per 100,000 people: 189.30 Sexually active high schoolers per 100,000 people: 12.78 Median household income: $50,573 Promiscuity Index Score: 0.01 Nigeria in fifth place, is the highest-ranked non-European nation, consuming 13.4 litres of alcohol per person a year. In pure monetary terms, Britons are spending the most online, with their ecommerce spend per capita at $4,021. -Related News: 42%: Danish Wind Power Sets World Record Again Taking a closer look at Denmark, it is also possible to see that renewable energy as a share of total energy production has grown considerably since the . ANSWER : [.] The country that comes in at a close second is China, with Hong Kong boasting 22 bookstores per 100,000 people. Israel has the highest per-capita military in Middle East, with 76.3 military personnel per 1000 in population. New Mexico New Mexico has the fifth-highest rate of chlamydia, the sixth-highest rate of gonorrhea, and the sixth-highest rate of syphilis in the United States. The interactive map below shows the . The ten developed countries with the highest STD rates are: United States Australia Singapore United Kingdom New Zealand Canada Denmark Latvia Malta Belgium The United States has the highest STD rates in the developed world. For the twenty countries currently most affected by COVID-19 worldwide, the bars in the chart below show the number of deaths either per 100 confirmed cases (observed case-fatality ratio) or per 100,000 population (this represents a country's general population, with both confirmed cases and healthy people). Per capita figures expressed per 1,000 population. The top 10 most polluting countries according to the IPCC: Qatar — 37.05 per capita. It has a good economy according to an estimate in 2013; it's per capita GDP was calculated $80467 billion. The 10 countries with the highest STD rates in the developed world serve as a reminder that no matter how far we have come combating diseases, the war is yet to be won. Get in touch with us now. The United States owns more guns per resident, at around 0.89, than any other nation in the world. UK car insurance aggregator Confused.com has released the results of a new study that reveals which countries have the highest number of cars on the road per capita.. Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sacramento all rose over ten spots to rank 37th, 55th, and 51st, respectively. Its estimated per capita consumption rate is 2822 . The United States. Not surprisingly US was top with 107 million users, with Brazil coming in second at 33 million and Japan next at just under 30 million. Considering that Switzerland has the second-highest GDP per capita globally, it is not a surprise leader on this list. Ashley Madison users per 100,000 people: 304.30. Most of the HIV infections in Swaziland are transmitted through unprotected sex, transactional sex, and sexual violence. The ratio of vending machines to Japanese citizens is a staggering 1:23. In my last KFC related post I looked at 1) The Caribbean country with the largest number of KFC stores and 2) The Caribbean country with the largest number of KFC stores per capita (i.e., per 100,000 persons).. For my second serving (or helping) of KFC related posts, the chart below looks at the countries with the most KFC stores per 100,000 people. Only slightly behind are Western European countries. Answer: Japan. 27.20% of the country's population lives with the infection. On this page you'll find the most recent statistical content for STDs. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions per Capita for each Country in the world There are approximately 6.012 billion of ounces of above ground gold in the world. Just to give you an idea of what that number is; The United States (20th place) has 16-18 per thousand while Russia (43rd place) has 7 or 8 per thousand. City. 8. Number 2, with 162 supercars per 1,000 motorists, is Denmark. Bulgaria. Spain — 6.09 per capita. Highest per-capita military in Middle East. At least 4% of the city has a GitHub account, and the number is probably quite a bit higher given that only around 15% of accounts have a . New Jersey. Meanwhile, across the continent, major California cities saw an increase in STD rates. Which Country Has The Most Authors Per Capita? The central banks of eight countries have at least one ounce per person. Spain . Which Country Has The Most Vending Machines Per Capita? Our animated chart this week uses data from the ninth Credit Suisse Global Wealth report, which ranks countries by average wealth, calculated as gross assets per adult citizen.. North Carolina. Upper middle-income countries are led by China, Malaysia, and Bulgaria. Have a look at ten countries where slavery is most prevalent. Per capita figures expressed per 1,000 population. Mortality in the most affected countries. 2020 Tokyo 2018 Pyeongchang 2016 Rio de Janeiro 2014 Sochi 2012 London 2010 Vancouver 2008 Beijing 2006 Turin 2004 Athens 2002 Salt Lake City 2000 Sydney 1998 Nagano 1996 Atlanta 1994 Lillehammer 1992 Barcelona 1992 Albertville 1988 Seoul 1988 Calgary 1984 Los Angeles 1984 Sarajevo 1980 . STD rates vary considerably depending on where you are in America. Belgium has seen a consistent increase in the rate of STDS, with special emphasis laid on chlamydia, the rate of which has doubled in the past decade in some of the cities. Just 0.004% (1 in 25,000 people) of those who participated in a 2004 survey admitted using the substance in the previous year. The U.S. has over 50% more firearms per capita than the next two highest nations, Serbia and Yemen at about 0.55 and three times as many as major European countries such as France and Germany. Rounding out the top 10 includes European countries Italy (645), Poland (644) and Finland (632). By Ross Dawson. Data & Statistics. In this page you will be able to find the answers for: What European country has had the most bikes per capita since 1911? Debt (Billions): $18.36 Debt Per Person ($): $2,737.92 2019 Gross Debt/GDP (%): 68.31 Click to continue reading and see the 20 countries with the most debt per capita and the highest debt to GDP . Congenital Syphilis: Preliminary 2020 Data: Slides, interpretive text, and technical notes are available for download. Berkeley, the home of Peet's Coffee and the famous university, has an impressive coffee shop for every 2,073 people. This is mainly because the geographically small . Swaziland. Population per one billionaires: 653,686. 5. Alabama. Answer: #1 is Pitcairn Island, because it has only 50 people, but it has a 4 mile (6.4 km) road, so on a per capita basis, it's pretty high. Japan. PPP takes into account the relative cost of living, rather than using only exchange rates . alert icon. Sweden is the second most dense country with 37.14 metal bands per 100,000 residents. Both countries are in the top 10 per . According to the New York Times, "the state's liquor laws — heavily influenced by the Mormon Church, which has its . DEFINITION: Agricultural machinery refers to the number of wheel and crawler tractors (excluding garden tractors) in use in agriculture at the end of the calendar year specified or during the first quarter of the following year. Per Capita: 16.88 Tons per person Australia's land size is similar to that of the United States, though it has about one-tenth the population of the U.S. For a country as small as Kuwait, 5,000 cases is a big number. The pet dog keepers could easily bring their dogs into markets but on the outer side of the food area, purchasing malls, and they are accepted in almost all dining locations. Preliminary CDC data show nearly 2,100 cases of newborn syphilis in 2020. Swaziland has the highest rate of HIV/AIDS infection in the world. 7. Population of Country. By taking the annual visitor numbers to every sovereign country (with a population of at least 100,000) and comparing them against the total number of citizens, TravelMag.com has . 10. Spending per capita: $380. Take a look at the table below to see how many Starbucks there are compared to people across the world. Luxembourg - 739 cars per 1,000. The most sober state is Utah, which has only 1.73 bars per 10,000 people. With a population of 2.8 million, that means there are about 25 bookstores for every 100,000 people. A widely cited study on impervious surface area per country was published in 2007 in the journal Sensors.The study defined impervious surface area (ISA) as including such things as "roads, parking lots, buildings, driveways, sidewalks and other manmade surfaces"—anything water will run off of instead of soaking in. Feb 20, 2020 Dec 10, 2021 Nov 16, 2020 Jun 4, 2021 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 United States tests performed Canada tests performed India samples tested South Africa people tested South Korea people tested Indonesia people tested Denmark tests performed Italy tests performed New . It turns out we have data on that question. As this infographic from our partner Statista shows, based on data from Brewers of Europe, our Swiss . It is the 2 nd largest country for cigarette consumption in the world. New Zealand took the top spot with 4.4 million cars, with a population of 4.8 million, meaning that out of 1,000 . Follow @MedalsPerCapita. Denmark Denmark is the first and last country from mainland Europe on this list, having given out over 8.6 million vaccines to its population of 5.8 million - that's 148 shots per 100 people to be precise. Outside Africa, the highest prevalence rate is found in the Bahamas (3.3%). Although the Japanese didn't invent the vending machine, they've embraced it with a passion. (September 16, 2021) But it has become a victim of its own popularity. None of the central banks of The United States, China or Russia have an ounce of gold per person in their countries. Put differently, that's over 1% of the population. There are, of course, countries that buck the trend. During the first half of the year, the number of first registrations of watercraft increased by 11 per cent compared to the year before. I think England would be second at around 1 pub per 380 persons. The top 10 cities with the most positive STD results in the United States per capita: Austin, TX It is not too surprising that the "Live Music Capital of the World" is on the top of this list (and their sexual partners, clearly! Updated August 2, 2020. The vaccination effort isn't completely finished, however, with 26.6% of the population still not fully vaccinated. The STD with the highest average rate per 100,000 residents was selected as the most commonly diagnosed STD. Sexually active high schoolers per 100,000 people: 23.58. For Middle East, the country with the second-highest defence budget is Israel, which allocates around US$20,465M (5.30% of its GDP) in defence spending. Number of Starbucks Outlets. In fact, the District of Columbia's rates per capita for both violent crime and STDs are almost double the rates in Alaska, its nearest competitor on our Most Dangerous list. Which countries have the most Twitter users per capita? And that number will likely get even higher — in March 2019, it was reported that 60% of new cars sold in the country were fully electric-powered. 2. Kuwait is the fifth richest country in the world, as measured by GDP per capita, with $70,914 per person. Highest per-capita military in Middle East. California and Texas tie for the state with the most cities in . China. Service stations are lacking. Canada is a large country, bigger than th. 10. The population of South Korea is around 51,446,200 and the country has 993 Starbucks stores, but South Africa which has a population of around 55,908,000 only has 3 Starbucks stores! The Netherlands. By comparison, a large country like the United States would . Or that with its wide variety of foams, Belgium wins. Read More "What European country has had the most bikes per capita since 1911?" We have received many requests from the media for additional rankings, so we have expanded this list to include the top 100 most sexually diseased cities in America: Ranking. Ans: In the case of Most Pet Dogs, The United States is the friendly country in the world and according to records of pet dog helpful countries around the world. San Francisco swapped positions with Philadelphia, PA to rank 3rd highest (up from 4th). Macao SAR and Austria fell below the $50k mark in 2020. The city is home to 9,430,000 bicycles and 19,213,200 people. Australia. Several methods have been . France and Italy came in at 50.2 and 43.7 litres, with the UK back at 22.6 litres and the US coming in at 12.4 litres. To say that the Icelandic people love literature would be something of a vast understatement. And to find out which part of the U.S. outsiders like the least, This Is the Most Hated State in America. Portugal topped the charts, on 62.1 litres per person on average, closely followed by Luxembourg on 55.5 litres. 1. , Dec 13, 2021. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita shows a country's GDP divided by its total population. Kuwait — 23.49 per capita. While using such a metric certainly gives a quick snapshot of wealth per capita, it doesn't necessarily show the complete picture. Total STDs. Each week, "20 Minutes" highlights an infographic created by its partner Statista You could say that with its famous Oktoberfest, Germany has the most. This puts Argentina at the top of the heap when it comes to a population that has easy access to books. This is a very entertaining trivia question of the day and the correct solution is as following: What European country has had the most bikes per capita since 1911? Alaska, Mississippi, and Louisiana have the highest STD rates in the nation with over 1,000 people out of 100,000 reporting a new case each year. Britain. Maldives, St. Lucia, Grenada, and Mauritius were out of the elite $10000 per capita GDP club in 2020. Second most is Ireland with 42-44 per thousand. Germany, although has 47 million cars on the road but a population of 83.7 million, was in sixth . - GDP per capita: $13,341 (5.5% 2009-2019 annual growth) - GDP: $562.2 billion (#39 among all countries) Ukraine's emerging free-market economy has been in the throes of economic whiplash. ). Iceland. Slides, interpretive text, and sexual violence work every day its mind-boggling per-capita.. Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sacramento all rose over ten spots to rank # 1 for the with! 1 % of the highest per-capita military in Middle East, with Hong Kong boasting 22 bookstores per residents... States what country has the most stds per capita not only the country rate of HIV/AIDS infection in the upper-middle-income group ranking, 14th. 10X as many developers per capita shows a country though, but a population of 4.8 million, that. 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