pontine tegmentum lesions
Introduction: Abnormalities of horizontal gaze could be caused by damage of the abducens nucleus due to ischemic lesion. Paramedian Pontine Infarction | Stroke Fibres from the pontine nuclei cross the midline and form the middle cerebellar peduncles on their way to the cerebellum. Magnetic resonance imaging differential diagnosis of ... These lesions were defined as paramedian or lateral pontine lesions. In this syndrome, patients present with a combination of an ipsilateral conjugate horizontal gaze palsy (referring to the 'one' horizontal gaze palsy) and an ipsilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) (referring to the 'half' of a . Continuing Education Activity. For the lesion in the pons, MR images showed a characteristic pattern of vestibular and abducens nuclei of the dorsal pons and a focal tegmental lesion of the superior olivary nucleus at the level of the low pons. The tegmentum is the evolutionarily older part of the pons which forms part of the reticular formation - a set of nuclei found . However, several cases of pontine lesions have appeared in the literature. He was helped to his feet but his left arm and leg felt stiff. The lesion resolved completely on follow-up imaging 3 months later. 2). Furthermore, a magnetic resonance imaging . A benign ovoid cyst, without an epithelial lining, localized in the paramedian pontine tegmentum, was examined by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (25×15×15 mm) and successfully operated upon. A 26-day-old neonate with history of hypoxic-ischemic injuried. . A horizontal gaze palsy can be produced by . CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): ABSTRACT- The authors report the case of a 50 year-old hypertensive male patient with a pontine hematoma. Lumbar puncture yielded CSF with normal cell counts (3/μl) and mildly increased protein (52 mg/dl). sal pontine tegmentum lesions should raise the aware-ness of demyelinating disease such as multiple sclerosis [3] or neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders. Indeed, in addition to scattered amorphous lesions in the pons and cerebellum, brain MRI (1.5 tesla) showed a discrete lesion in the right upper pontine tegmentum (figure). (C) Infratentorial lesion of brainstem and cerebellum. These deficits indicate the Parinaud syndrome, dorsal midbrain syndrome. The stapedial nerve and the chorda tympani exit the facial canal proximal to the . Fig. 30: Pontine glioma: Axial T2 (a), FLAIR(b),T1w post contrast (c) images demonstrate, Ill defined large expansile infiltrative lesion involving the pons and right midbrain tegmentum with large cystic areas, heterogenous enhancement, and ring enhancing areas within.Spectroscopy (d) demonstrates a mildly elevated choline and lactate peak. A 26-day-old neonate with history of hypoxic-ischemic injuried. None of the cases with coma had lesions in the medulla, and no cases contained lesions confined to the midbrain only. 36 37 38 Thus, supranuclear facial palsy with a sixth nerve palsy may be indicative of a paramedian pontine infarct. Pons Lesions ( Return to Lesions Front Page) 1) VASCULAR LESIONS - MEDIAL PONTINE SYNDROME (MIDDLE ALTERNATING HEMIPLEGIA) A Sample Case: A 48 year old man suffered a sudden weakness of his left arm and leg which caused him to fall while shaving. Optic nerve 3. [Article in French] . Animal studies have shown that lesions of the pontine tegmentum can greatly reduce or even eliminate REM sleep. Rambold H, Sander T, Neumann G, Helmchen C. Palsy of "fast" and "slow" vergence by pontine lesions. 2 MRI brain of axial diffusion-weighted imaging sequences showed a hyperintense lesion at the left dorsal tegmentum of pontomesencephalic junction (a). The one-and-a-half syndrome (horizontal gaze palsy to the right and paralysis of adduction of the right eye) and ipsilateral "peripheral" VII nerve palsy dominated the . Lesions in coma cases affected either the midbrain and pontine tegmentum together (n = 5), or only the upper pontine tegmentum without involving the midbrain (n = 4). large central pontine lesions are often fatal. 2 Hearing deficits are strongly associated with their appearance, and social isolation seems to be a contributing factor, as well. The tegmentum is the evolutionarily older part of the pons which forms part of the reticular formation - a set of nuclei found . At pontomesencephalic junction, Fig. The PMC in the pontine tegmentum is the site of the coordination of the spino-bulbo-spinal micturition reflex (Barrington, 1921; Fowler et al., 2008; see Chapter 7). (B) Central lesion including deep gray matters, such as the putamen and thalamus. Thethresholds for shivering (heat-gain) andfor panting (heat-loss) are both altered, because these lesioned animals start to shiver at a higherTa,andtopantatalowerTa,thanintactanimals.These lesions also eliminate the atonia normally associated with Lesions of the dorsomedial tegmentum (DMTL) between the midbrain pontine junction and the middle level of the pons effectively eliminate the induction by estrogen-progesterone of lordosis behavior in ovariectomized rats. Electrolytic lesions of the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum increase sensitivity to both low and high ambient temperatures (Ta) (4, 6). Pontine haemorrhage is most often associated with hypertension and arteriovenous malformations. Attempted vertical saccades were misdirected obliquely, away from the side of the lesion, and their vertical components were prolonged. Oblique saccades had curved trajectories and prolonged durations of their vertical components. OBJECTIVE To determine the clinical characteristics of gait disorders in patients with pontine medial tegmental lesions. 1976 Jun;114(2):188-209. Understanding the functional neuroanatomy is key to understanding and interpretation of brainstem syndromes. Millard-Gubler syndrome is a clinical syndrome which occurs following lesions involving the ventral portion of the caudal pons . The brainstem has complex anatomy, more of which is becoming identifiable with higher-resolution imaging techniques. Introduction: Abnormalities of horizontal gaze could be caused by damage of the abducens nucleus due to ischemic lesion. T1-weighted axial images (F-H) show hypointense signal at the same sites. 7 - 13 Stroke 29(11),2377-2380 (1998). There were clear signs of pyramidal tract involvement in the pons, a finding usually not reported in the literature as the only clinical manifestation. We describe three cases of bilateral horizontal gaze paresis, coincident with the acute development of a small, well-circumscribed lesion of the pontine tegmentum on MRI. It is caused by a single unilateral lesion of the dorsal pontine tegmentum that affects the paramedian pontine reticular formation or abducens nucleus 10 and the adjacent internuclear fibres of the medial longitudinal fasciculus on the side of the complete gaze palsy (figure 3A). 3 Although the prevalence of MH in psychiatric patients is . The pontine tegmentum • Composed largely of the pontine reticular formation, which is a rostral continuation of the medullary reticular formation. Two of the control patients had lesions in the pontine base, while the lesions in the other 2 were in the pontine tegmentum and base (combined lesions). Results: Patients with rostral medial tegmental lesions and controls with pontine base lesions showed unstable walking characterized by irregular angular displacements and foot pressures . Brain MRI performed at presentation.A. Isolated pontine infarction accounts for 7% of all ischemic strokes. and B. T2 axial and coronal MRI show a right high signal lesion affecting the potine tegmentum and extending across the midline in its lower portion (white arrow). Thus, REM sleep dis- integration after large pontine lesions may have been af- Dependent variables were as follows: fected by inclusion of dorsomedial pontine structures in- volved in REM sleep generation. The cranial nerve VI nucleus, medial longitudinal fasciculus, and parapontine reticular formation are neighbors in the pontine tegmentum. demyelinated lesions were formed with fusions of numer-ous small lesions. Demyelination in the pontine basilar region and in cere- Brain 2005;128:2535-45. ulated that transient lesions of pontine tegmentum can induce visual hallucinations resembling those commonly described as peduncular hallucinosis, due to a transient imbalance between REM-on and REM-off pontine circuitry. Within the central auditory pathway, cortical lesions, but not brainstem pathology, are usually considered the likely culprit. and medullary lesions in two cats. The pontine tegmentum is a part of the pons of the brain involved in the initiation of REM sleep.It includes the pedunculopontine nucleus and the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, among others, and is located in close proximity to the raphe nucleus and the locus ceruleus.. Hypoxic-ischemic tegmental watershed lesions. 1 Although thalamic stroke was the first described and is the most frequent cause of this syndrome, 1 2 3 nonthalamic strokes involving the brain stem, internal capsule, or cerebral cortex also have been reported to produce this syndrome. dorsolateral pontine tegmentum increase sensitivity to both lowandhighambienttemperatures(T5) (4, 6). The left tha-lamic lesion was contiguous with the pontine tegmentum. Figure 2 Hypoxic-ischemic tegmental watershed lesions. Pure sensory stroke is defined as the presence of mostly hemisensory symptoms without other major neurological signs. Case #3 The third patient, an 85-year-old woman with long-standing hearing loss, reported that she had been hearing MH for an indeterminate period of time (onset FIGURE 1. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) is a discrete localizing sign which narrows down the lesion involving medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) anywhere at the paramedian tegmentum from caudal pons to midbrain [].The MLF relays the contralateral abducens nucleus to ipsilateral medial rectus subnucleus of the oculomotor nuclear complex [].Cogan further classified INO into anterior and posterior . Pontine tegmental cap dysplasia (PTCD) is a non-progressive neurological disorder characterized by significant developmental delay, cranial nerve dysfunction, and malformation of the hindbrain. A pure hemiplegia syndrome, although common in supratentorial lesions, is considered to be a . Doctors and therapists will work with the patient to recover as much function as possible. Gaze palsy was. Millard-Gubler syndrome (MGS), also known as facial abducens hemiplegia syndrome or the ventral pontine syndrome, is an eponym after two French physicians Auguste Louis Jules Millard and Adolphe-Marie Gubler in 1858 who first described the features of this syndrome. Discussion. Summary: A bilateral mechanical lesion of the midbrain and pontine tegrnentum was found to abolish completely the tonic components of sound‐induced seizures in genetically epilepsy‐prone rats (GEPR) that display tonicclonic seizures. A lateral pontine syndrome is a lesion which is similar to the lateral medullary syndrome, but because it occurs in the pons, it also involves the cranial nerve nuclei of the pons. Isolated abducens nucleus syndrome due to pontine tegmentum infarction is an article from Journal of Neurology & Stroke for MedCrave Group. Optic chiasm 2. . The midbrain connects the pons and cerebel-lum with the forebrain and can be divided into a ventral part, the tegmentum, and a dorsal part, the tectal or quadrigeminal plate (Figs 2, 3). PONTINE TEGMENTUM AND PARADOXICAL SLEEP 219 Fig. Two of the control patients had lesions in the pontine base, while the lesions in the other 2 were in the pontine tegmentum and base (combined lesions). For the lesion in the pons, MR images showed a characteristic pattern of vestibular and abducens nuclei of the dorsal pons and a focal tegmental lesion of the superior olivary nucleus at the level of the low pons. The lower pons contains cranial nerves (CN) VI and VII. Lacunes in Left Pons After Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) and MH Onset in Patient #1 MH: musical hallucinations. C. Postcontrast T1 axial MRI shows that the lesion in the pontine tegmentum partially enhances (black arrows). All exhibited paradoxical sleep without atonia throughout their survival periods. To investigate etiology and prognostic significance of pontine tegmentum lesions accompanying a cluster of acute flaccid myelitis. T2 lesions may be found in the pontine tegmentum, tectum of the midbrain, and inferior olivary nucleus. The MLF decussate to the left at the same level and ascend along the dorsome-dial tegmentum of pons. 2. Cross-sections through the brain stem of three cats with pontine lesions (black). Although pontine hemorrhage is among several common causes of HOD, 1 , 2 the occurrence of a midbrain tremor without palatal myoclonus associated with an olivary lesion is rare. The pontine tegmentum, or dorsal pons, is located within the brainstem, and is one of two parts of the pons, the other being the ventral pons or basilar part of the pons.The pontine tegmentum can be defined in contrast to the basilar pons: basilar pons contains the corticospinal tract running craniocaudally and can be considered the rostral extension of the ventral medulla oblongata; however . Micturitional disturbance is rarely mentioned in human herpetic brainstem encephalitis although the pontine tegmentum, called the pontine micturition centre, seems to regulate the lower urinary tract in experimental animals. Coronal (A and B) and axial (C-E) T2- weighted images show bilateral and symmetric hyperintensities (black arrows) at the level of the pontine tegmentum. We report a patient with isolated horizontal gaze palsy as a result of a small ischemic lesion of the pontine tegmentum. Quadriplegia, coma, small reactive pupils and bilateral paralysis of horizontal conjugate gaze are typical . These include pontine infarcts [14, 23-27], pontine tumors [27-29], demyelinating lesions in the dorsal pontine tegmentum [26, 30-32], pontine inflammatory lesions [26, 33-35], and vascular malformations of the ponto-mesencephalic tegmentum [26, 36] (Table 1). Observation: A 61-year-old man, with medical history of diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and high blood pressure, was hospitalized after 12 hours of . A lesion of the stylomastoid foramen would not include the absence of the stapedial reflex or the loss of taste sensation from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. Combined damage to the medial longitudinal fasciculus and parapontine reticular formation, or the medial longitudinal fasciculus and VI nucleus, causes . Three patients with unilateral lesions of the pontine tegmentum, identified by CT and MRI, had abnormal vertical saccades and slowed ipsilateral horizontal saccades. The case reported herein had a lesion in the left pontine tegmentum without the other signs of cerebellar, ocular movement, Vth and VIIth cranial nerve dysfunction. Cranial nerves are the nerves that control functions of the head and neck, and the pontine tegmentum (back/dorsal portion) contains several of these nuclei. A small region in the rostral dorsolateral pontine tegmentum was significantly associated with coma-causing lesions. Conclusion. Method: We retrospectively examined patients from 6 centers in Turkey who manifested encephalitis or myelitis associated with dorsal pontine lesions on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) between July 2018 and February . Browning, Fred J . 2 MH are found most often in the age range of 50-70 and in women (70%). This region has been designated as the paramedian zone of the pontine reticular formation (PPRF). The case of a 45 year old man, who developed subacute coma and hiccup-like dysrhythmic breathing, and needed assisted ventilation is reported. In our case, a rapid onset to the disease peak during Valsava maneuver, negative nding of demyelination evidences in 2 (pp13-53) In patient 5, the area of infarct extended from the paramedian area to the medial tegmentum, while in patient 6, the ischemic area was located in the lateral area and the medial tegmentum (Figure 1, C, and Figure 2, D). At the upper pontine level the lateral portion of the tegmentum contains 1) the spinothalamic tracts, which leads . Lesions here result in difficulty with coordination of the opposite arm and leg. 2 As Homes' elucidation, it could be suggested that the midbrain tremor is related to disruption of the cerebellar outflow pathways at the superior cerebellar peduncle . The pontine lesions generally involved the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum between APO and P4 and included peri-LC a, LC, laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, and part of the nuclei reticularis pontis oralis and caudalis. Pontine stroke, also known as pons stroke or pontine cerebrovascular accident, is a type of brain stem stroke that can cause symptoms like locked-in syndrome, impaired breathing, and loss of consciousness. The cerebral aqueduct of Sylvius is located in the midbrain and joins the third and fourth ventricles, surrounded by periaqueductal gray matter (3). Midbrain lesions involved the tectum, tegmentum, and red nucleus; and structural involvements varied. James A Sharpe, Arun N Sundaram, in Ocular Disease, 2010. Lesions in medial portions of nucleus reticularis magnocellularis (NRM) between the trochlear and abducens nuclei produced paralysis of ipsilateral conjugate horizontal gaze in monkeys. 2 … [Effects of lesions in the pontine tegmentum on the sleep stages in the rat] Arch Ital Biol. The thresholds for shivering (heat-gain) and for panting (heat-loss) are both T1-weighted axial images (F-H) show hypointense signal at the same sites. We report a patient with isolated horizontal gaze palsy as a result of a small ischemic lesion of the pontine tegmentum. The PMC is located in or adjacent to the locus coeruleus, and the projecting fibers from the PMC to the sacral preganglionic cells are thought to be glutamatergic. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. The facial nerve nucleus and intra-axial fibers are found in the caudal lateral pontine tegmentum. Ten of 12 coma 2428 Neurology 87 December 6, 2016 ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. 1 Introduction. The MIR appeared to be abnormal in lesions involving the pontine tegmentum, from the pontomedullary junction to midpons, and some lesions selectively affected one component of the MIR, proving . Coronal (A and B) and axial (C-E) T2- weighted images show bilateral and symmetric hyperintensities (black arrows) at the level of the pontine tegmentum. A medial pontine lesion may affect them simultaneously. Correlations between varied lesion placements and effects on maximal audiogenic seizures provided evidence that damage to the nucleus reticularis pontis . However, neuropathologic studies provide evidence of bilateral symmetric necrotic areas in the tegmentum of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, including large parts of the medial and lateral reticular formation and numerous adjacent tegmental nuclei. a Diffusion-weighted image 1 day after disease onset revealed increased restricted diffusion signal in the right middle cerebellar peduncle (arrowhead) and bilateral dorsal pontine tegmentum (thin arrows), the latter of which was consistent with the involvement of facial colliculus. 1. extended as far caudally as the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve patchy hyperintense lesions in the pontine tegmentum (Figure 3). The cortical and diencephalic noradrenaline content was mesured at the termination of the experiment, on the 10th post lesion day. Slow saccades. The ventral pons contains the pontine nuclei, which are responsible for coordinating movement. Abbreviations as in Fig. ergic cells in the medial pontine tegmentum, including Data analysis the hypothesized atonia region 62. • Role of the pons in vergence movements is discussed. damage to the pontine tegmentum alters the thermoregulatory responses of cats (2-6) and rats (7). Focal lesions, mainly vascular insults or tumors, may be causative. 18,47 Lesions in the pontine tegmentum such as infarcts, tumors, degenerations such as PSP, Huntington's disease, 48 and variants of spinocerebellar degenerations, 8 multiple sclerosis . The peripheral 3-4 mm of the basis pontis was spared almost without exception and lesions tended to cluster near the midline just ventral to the tegmentum and in two rows, one on each side of the median raphe. The so-called "eight-and-a-half" syndrome, originally proposed by Eggenberger in 1998, refers to "one-and-a-half" syndrome combined with ipsilateral fascicular seventh cranial nerve palsy, which is caused by circumscribed lesions of the pontine tegmentum involving the abducens nucleus, the adjacent facial colliculus, and the ipsilateral medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF). Medial tegmental lesions in the rostral pons cause prolonged and severe unstable walking that resembles spinocerebellar ataxic pattern, and impairment of the spinocephalic loop might be the pathomechanism underlying such a gait disturbance. The ventral pons contains the pontine nuclei, which are responsible for coordinating movement. RESULTS: Patients with rostral medial tegmental lesions and controls with pontine base lesions showed unstable walking characterized by irregular angular displacements and foot pressures. They may dissect into the tegmentum and the fourth ventricle, and rostrally, into the midbrain. Localization of Brain Stem Lesions Anatomy of the Brain Stem Part of the brain that extends from: The rostral plane of the Superior Colliculus To the caudal end of the Medulla Oblongata at the Foramen Magnum Contains Structures: Midbrain Pons Medulla Oblongata Brain Stem anterior view 1. by coma lesions compared to control lesions, located in the left pontine tegmentum, near the medial para-brachial nucleus (figure 1, C-E). Midbrain lesions involved the tectum, tegmentum, and red nucleus; and structural involvements varied. Millard-Gubler syndrome (MGS), also known as facial abducens hemiplegia syndrome or ventral pontine syndrome, is one of the classical crossed brainstem syndromes characterized by a unilateral lesion of the basal portion of the caudal pons involving fascicles of abducens (VI) and the facial (VII) cranial nerves and the pyramidal tract fibers. The clinical presentation was characterized by pure pyramidal deficit signs (no other signs or symptoms were present). tegmentum, the majority and larger lesions were con- fined to the basis pontis in a striking nonrandom distribution (Fig. MGS is one of the classical crossed brainstem syndromes characterized by a unilateral lesion of basal portion of the caudal pons . In majority of the cases, the lesion is caused due to cerebrovascular disease of smaller vessels leading to ponto-cerebral infarction. Cn ) VI and VII considered to be a contributing factor, as.. Attack ( TIA ) and MH Onset in patient # 1 MH: musical hallucinations arrows ) considered. Neurology < /a > Continuing Education Activity 3 Although the prevalence of MH in psychiatric patients is of MH psychiatric! The same sites animal studies have shown that lesions of the pons which forms part of the pontine nuclei the. Lesions of the pontine reticular formation - a set of nuclei found Academy of Neurology formation or... 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